Monthly Archives: November 2016

Dead zeppelins: Brazilian gravesite is airships’ stairway to heaven

The huge gas-filled aircraft were once a symbol of modernity used to burnish the image of the Nazis. Now a vast hangar near Rio de Janeiro is all that’s left The last time a giant swastika flew above the Americas, it was on the zeppelins that pioneered commercial air travel across the Atlantic.

from Pocket

A Brief History of the Cheese Curl, Junk Food’s Happiest Accident

Cheetos, the brand that took cheese curls mainstream. Mike Mozart/CC BY 2.0A version of this post originally appeared on Tedium, a twice-weekly newsletter that hunts for the end of the long tail. They change the color of our skin. They get stuck in our teeth.

from Pocket

‘We Couldn’t Believe Our Eyes’: A Lost World of Shipwrecks Is Found

The medieval ship lay more than a half-mile down at the bottom of the Black Sea, its masts, timbers and planking undisturbed in the darkness for seven or eight centuries. Lack of oxygen in the icy depths had ruled out the usual riot of creatures that feast on sunken wood.

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